Virginia small business owners voiced their support for federal Clean Power Plan

By |2014-11-22T17:49:34-05:00November 22nd, 2014|Industry, Policy, Virginia Solar|

Fifty business leaders sent Governor McAuliffe a letter supporting new reductions in carbon pollution through the use of clean advanced energy technologies.  These business leaders stated “we urge your administration to develop a strong plan to implement the recently proposed Clean Power Plan which facilitates a clean energy economy through the reduction of carbon pollution from power plants.” Virginia Business reported the letter was released “[j]ust in time for today’s Virginia General Assembly hearing on the federal Clean Power Plan


By |2018-08-10T13:16:18-04:00March 21st, 2014|Industry|

LET THE VIRGINIA ADVANCE ENERGY INDUSTRIES BUILD IT (not Dominion), AND THEY WILL COME It is a basic desire of all Americans (and Virginians) to live our lives as we wish; working, employing, purchasing goods, real estate, services, and recreating, each in our personal search for fulfillment.  For some, this may take the form of owning a small business and relaxing at a mountain cabin.  For others, it may be teaching 8th graders how to solve simultaneous equations and scrapbooking

Green Roofs and Solar

By |2018-08-10T12:42:27-04:00April 20th, 2013|Industry|

If you are employed in the construction industry, you certainly have heard the first two terms and know what they mean.  The third term may not be as familiar, but should be self-explanatory.  GRIPV systems integrate solar, or photovoltaic systems, directly into the green roofing on a project.  Although not a system prevalent in the US, these systems are being installed in Germany as competition for roof space between these eco-friendly installations increases. The main benefit of a GRIPV system

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