Do You Have A Solar Project We Can Help With?
Red Brick Solar | 130 MW-AC
Current Status: Development
- Red Brick Solar is a 130 MW-AC solar project in Lunenburg County, VA. The project will connect to Dominion’s transmission system using an existing 115kV transmission line.
- SolUnesco began site control in 2018 and achieved full site control in 2019.
- In late 2018, SolUnesco sold the project rights to Apex Clean Energy. SolUnesco retains project development responsibilities including landowner and community relations as well as management of the County’s zoning process.
- Red Brick Solar received its Conditional Use Permit in Lunenburg in June of 2022.
- The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality is currently reviewing the projects PBR (Permit By Rule) application materials.
Project Details
130 MWac
Lunenburg County, VA